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The Laws of Amerada

The following is a complete list of all laws that exist within the Republic of Amerada, as passed by the Amerada legislature, since it was first conceived in April, 2001. These laws are in order of their passing, and are up to date as of Saturday, the fourteenth day of September, in the year of our lord, two-thousand-and-two.


First Parliament

          Session 1:


Law 1:

All people of Amerada have been given the right to speak as they wish, act as they wish, or do as they wish, unless it conflicts with another law of the Republic of Amerada.

Law 2:

All people of Amerada if convicted of a felony have the right to be given a fair trial in which they may be given an attorney, and will be judged by a jury and a court judge. This trial will decide if the convicted felon will be guilty or innocent. In the case of being guilty the trial will decide on the sentence.

Law 3:

Under certain circumstances appointed by a judge in trial the decision to take ones life may be made. The act of taking ones life may be made legal if the judge and jury decide upon it.

Law 4:

All cigarettes will be here on banned from the Republic of Amerada. The use of the drug is prohibited, the possession is prohibited, and the retail of the drug is prohibited.

Law 5:

The use of welfare upon an individual is solely prohibited. The government may only hand out welfare to those who are legally determined disabled and none others.

Law 6:

The use of prostitution has been made legal. Any male or female is aloud to use sex as their job, and is free to do so in designated areas and time frames.

Law 7:

Anyone offending Amerada or the culture of the Republic of Amerada can be charged. This includes verbal speech against Amerada, burning or destroying Ameradian things, or offending the culture of the micronation.

Law 8:

The ban on firearms is hereby in affect. The use of firearms is illegal, the possession of firearms is illegal, and the retail of firearms is illegal. It is permitted however, that the police forces of Amerada and the army or navy may be aloud to use, possess, and acquire firearms.

Law 9:

Anyone in Amerada has the right to own, or acquire any property they wish to own. This is a right given to everyone in the Republic of Amerada.

Law 10:
It is hereby illegal to break away from the jails of Amerada. Anyone punished to jail must stay within the jail until his or her prison sentence is up.

Law 11:

It is illegal for any worker in Amerada to receive less than 10 Amerada Bucks an hour, no matter the exchange or inflation rate. If this happens the employer will be penalized.

Law 12:

It is illegal for anyone to litter. This means you must throw any garbage of any sort in a designated litter area. This includes anything discarded including metal, toxic chemicals, paper, plastic, etc.

Law 13:

Anyone attending a prison do to a crime, is entitled to degrading conditions, and most things done to you is legal un less it will severely affect your life.

Law 14:

Not one person is allowed to take an Ameradians life. Not in any way may someone kill another person or other persons on Amerada unless a court judge gives permission to under severe circumstances.

Law 15:

All people members of the Washburn administration must have a URL address in which they must communicate their specified field. This Law comes into effect May 14th, 2001.

Law 16:

The official Amerada website, must be updated or changed by the President at least once a week. The is minimum sentence shall be one small yet substantial change.

Law 17:

The Republic of Amerada hereby has a complete ban on Ricky Martin products or byproducts. This includes anything with his name, pictures, toys, or articles of any sort.

Law 18:

All citizens have to honour the national symbol, the flying pig bunny, by not killing, hunting, abusing, harming, or hurting them in any way or means.

Law 19:

The bank of Amerada official currency notes may not be replicated by photocopy, scanner, printer, by hand, or by any way or means. Only the Minister of Finance or under his permission may any replication be done.

Law 20:

All people in the Republic of Amerada must be treated equally in the same way another would be treated in the same situation. Persons are the same, no matter sex, nor race, nor physical appearance nor ability, nor any other way a person may be discriminated.

Law 21:

Official permission to start nuclear testing, and the expansion of nuclear testing. The tests may only be on areas officially designated as a nuclear testing range.

Session 2:


Law 22:

No human shall sell or auction off another human being. This means that a person cannot be given to another person in exchange for money.


Law 23:

There shall be no slavery in Amerada. No person shall be the personal property of another human being.

Law 24:

All police vehicles in Amerada, at any level of law enforcement are hereby required to be equipped with breathalyzers, which are to be used to measure one's alcohol percentage in one's breath.

Law 25:

The Treaty of Interland is hereby made legal:
The Commonwealth of Interland recognizes Republic of Amerada as a sovereign state. Republic of Amerada recognizes Interland as an independent sovereign state.
Republic of Amerada and Interland agree to mutual non-aggression, and to not aid another micro-nation should either have hostilities with a third party. Republic of Amerada agrees to not make first attack on Interland or any of Interlands dependencies. Interland agrees to not make first attack on any micro-nation that Republic of Amerada is in or may join with into Commonwealth or Federation.
Article 2
Republic of Amerada and Interland agree to free movement across our boarders of citizens from the other micro-nation. The citizens of each our two micro-nations are welcome and invited to post on all public forums. We proclaim our mutual desire to learn about and to understand the culture and institutions of the other. Our officials are welcome and invited to exchange ideas for the advancement of our micro-nations. We recognize the rights of citizens to participate in the cultural and economic affairs of the other micro-nation.
Article 3
Republic of Amerada recognizes the justice system and the courts of Interland while at the same time Interland recognizes the justice system and the courts of Republic of Amerada.
This mutual recognition extends to:
1) the extradition of any fugitive from the other micro-nation.
This shall mean that if extradition of anyone, including a citizen of the micro-nation receiving the request, is granted by the court system, the person being extradited shall not be allowed to post until the trial in the other micro-nation is completed and any sentence is served. All post made by such person after the extradition is granted shall be removed without question until such time as the proper official of the other micro-nation gives a release.
2) The right of each micro-nation to prosecute any person for the violation of their laws that occur within their boarders or on their forums. Each micro-nation recognizes the right of the other to prosecute according to their laws and within their justice system.
Article 4:
Republic of Amerada and the Interland agree to economical expansion through free trade. No extra taxes or import fees shall be levied against either nation.
1) Free trade shall extend to allowing legal enterprises of both nations to operate in Interland and Republic of Amerada for the movement of free capital and development of our economies.
Article 5:
Interland and Republic of Amerada agree that citizens of the other micro-nation who are certified graduates of "The Micronations Bar Association" or its successors shall be granted full legal standing to function as an "Attorney", "Advocate", "Barrister", or "Lawyer" in representation of clients before the courts of the other.
It is recognized that such representation must be done with the laws of the micro-nation in which the case is being heard

Law 26:

It is hereby deemed illegal for a person to drink any form of alcohol immediately before using a vehicle.

Law 27:

No people in Amerada are allowed to physicaly harm or abuse any member of the Canine or Feline animal species.

Law 28:

All persons in Amerada must obey all traffic signs and signals, laid out by any form of governments, no matter where one is.

Law 29:

All persons in Amerada under the age of twelve, and including those who are 12, must attend some form of education facility, whether it is college, university, or other.


          Session 3:


Law 30:

Amerada Elections Act

Section A

This elections act will be hereby considered valid for all federal, colonial, local or any other multi-party public election in the Republic of Amerada, and the Territory of Canusa.

Article 1:
All elections shall last exactly 168 hours in length.
They shall last this duration only, neither exceeding nor lasting less than this amount of time. The polls must close 168 hours after they began. If two candidates have the same number of votes, and share the lead at the time the polls close, and additional 24 hours shall be added in order to break the tie.

Article 2: All elections shall be in Internet poll format, and must be posted on the website of the colony, or the site of the place the election is for.

Article 3:
a) All elections in Amerada are required to occur within a maximum of every four years, and may be called whenever wished within this time.
b) All registered government bodies within the Republic of Amerada must have an election within two years of the founding of the the governing body's jurisdiction.


Section B (deals only with federal elections (dealing with the election of President or Prime Minister)

Article 1: The election poll shall be that of "alxnet" ( and shall be posted on the Amerada main website (

Article 2: a) In multi-party elections, only registered federal parties may contest.
b) If a party wants to register to be an official federal party, the said party must send appropriate information to the President of Amerada.

Article 3: All Presidential elections must happen exactly every four years. The first Presidential election must happen prior to February 12th, 2003. All Presidential elections must be multi-party.

Article 4: a) All federal Prime Minister elections must happen every four years on the week of April 12th. These elections must be multi-party.
b) The party with the current Prime Minister must hold a nation wide party only election every year on the week of October 12th. It is only to contest other parties, when the party that has the Prime Minister forms a minority government, or no government at all.


Law 31:

Supreme Court Act


This act is to come into affect on the 5th Day of November 2001.

Article 1: All court cases shall only be for those accused that are within the court. They are the members of the legislature, the President, the Vice President, or the leaders of Amerada's colonies and territories.

Article 2: All trials are to be held at 7:00pm (local time of the Supreme Court of Amerada) of the given date of the trial. The trial is to be held via MSN instant messenger service. Five people are needed for the court session to begin, and if this is not arrived at, the trial willl be delayed every 15 minutes until the amount is reached, or when the trial is delayed.

Article 3: Members of the Supreme Court must be from The Legislative, and the Executive Branch, or are a leader of one of Amerada's colonies or Territories.

Article 4: All members of the court in a said trial must be divided into a) the judge b) the prosecutor c) the defence/defendant and d) the two jurors. Members appointed to these positions for a said trial must all agree on their positions before the trial may start.

Article 5: During the trial the judge must keep order, and may chose his or her own type of proceedings of the trial.

Article 6: The judge has 50% and the Jury has 50% of the final decision. If the judge and the jury cannot agree, a second trial shall be held on the following day, until a decision is made.


Law 32:

Amerada Legislature Act


This act is to come in affect on the First day of January 2002, or when the need circumstances are complete, whichever may come first.

Article 1:
There shall be 10 seats in the Amerada Legislature. Their person to each seat will be determined by the Prime Minister, and will be proportioned based on the last general election result for Prime Minister. One person may not have more than one seat.

Article 2:
Each member of the legislature will be from a riding. A map of the ridings must be passed by the legislature to be made legal. Each riding is to be as close as 1/10th the population of Amerada as possible.

Article 3:
A by-election shall be held whenever a member is expelled, resigns or dies. The by-election is to be held two weekends following the departure of the member, and will last one week. One member from each federal party is allowed to run.

Article 4:
All legislative bills created shall be announced over the Internet. All members are to vote via the Internet as well.

Article 5:
Any member of the legislature can create Bills. They must be announced to each member over the following week. If they do not vote during this period, they will be credited with an abstain vote.

Article 6:
All members must vote "Aye" (yes) "Nay" (no) or "Abstain" on a said bill. There must be a majority plus one vote in order for a bill to pass as law. Abstain votes are not counted.

Article 7:
A member may only be expelled if a majority plus one vote in favour of the expulsion.

Article 8:
A map will be created, which will be the official riding map of the Republic of Amerada.  This map is what to be used to determine the needed information regarding constituencies, and elections. All changes to this map must be passed as law.

Article 9:
If the ridings are not filled by January 1st 2002, there will be by-elections to fill them.

Article 10:
The Prime Minister may assign all legislature members of the leading party cabinet positions, which are recommended by the President.


Session 4:


Law 33:

Animal Murder Act

Article 1.
A human being is hereby disallowed to murder or kill any member of the animalia family, excluding insects. A human being is hereby disallowed to abuse any member of the animalia family, including insects; with, in both cases, the exception of the statements made in articles 2, to 4.

Article 2.
A human being may kill an animal if his or her life is in danger, or a great number of lives are in danger, or in self-defence. This is usually defined if an animal shows extreme signs of aggression, or is known to carry a disease. You may not unreasonably abuse an animal in self-defence.

Article 3.
An animal may be killed, only if it will be used for consumption by another human being, or animal. They must only consume the following animals: Hogs, Bullvines, Chickens, Turkey, or any type of sea life, to the exception of mammals. A person may only kill these animals if he or she has been given a certificate (provided by the federal government) allowing these people to kill pre mentioned animals. All animals killed to be used for consumption, must be done in the most humane way possible.

Article 4:
Members of the animalia family are naturally allowed to kill other animals, but they may not be used by humans to kill other animals.

Article 5:
If convicted off killing an animal, or murdering one, a judge will determine a jail sentence, or a fine. The penalty is to be varied depending on the intelligence, scarcity, or importance of the animal.

One cannot, under any circumstance, except for the exceptions stated in the above articles may, murder or abuse a member of the animal kingdom.


Law 34:

Amerada Executive Act

Article 1:
The Amerada Executive Branch shall consist of the President of the Republic of Amerada, the Vice-President, and a number of cabinet ministers.

Article 2:
The President of Amerada shall keep Amerada in order, by defending its laws, and by keeping the nation organized. The President is to run the Amerada website. The President shall have sole power to change the website, but is permitted to hire or request other individuals to make additions to the website, which may then integrate into the current site if needed, wish shall remain at the address: "" The President is to also appoint cabinet ministers, and the Vice President when need be. The President can only be replaced by election, resignation, death, or impeachment.

Article 3:
If something is unsure, or there is an argument at hand within the governing body of Amerada, then the President must be immediately consulted.

Article 4:
As stated in the Amerada legislature Act of 2002, The President shall serve a term of no longer than 4 years (1461 days) Within this term, the President may call an election whenever he/she wishes. The first of these elections must be held prior to February 12th, 2003.

Article 5:
The President, along with the Prime Minister shall appoint cabinet ministers, to each ministry of the Republic of Amerada. Members must be from the governing party of Amerada. They shall also be members of the legislative branch as a member of the governing party.

Article 6:
A cabinet minister shall be the ruling person over their ministry. A cabinet minister keeps their ministry in order, organizes and presents information when needed. They also are to settle arguments, or demands within or about their ministry.

Article 7:
The President shall appoint a Vice President, who will assist the President in his duties. The President may only appoint a Vice President when one does not currently exist. When one running for the office of President, one shall run a Vice-President as well. When the President resigns, dies, or is impeached, the Vice-President is to be the successor. The Vice-President can only be replaced by election, resignation, death, or impeachment.


Law 35:
Foreign Policy Act

Whereas, the current situations concerning National and International security the following foreign policy shall be enacted to ensure the safety and security of all Ameradians.

1. Amerada is a friend to all and an enemy to none

2. Amerada shall on a case-by-case basis, issue and recognize the legal governments of each sovereign territory

3. In addition to recognition, Amerada promises not to engage in acts of war, espionage or unprovoked hostility with any nation or territory.


Law 36:

Land Distribution Act

Whereas, for the benefits of all citizens of the Republic of Amerada it is being proposed, a land distribution act to ensure that an egalitarian method be undertaken to ensure all Ameradians are guaranteed happiness and way of life.

Article 1: All Ameradians regardless of position or status shall be granted 20,000m² of land by the state, with the approval of the local colonial government (if needed) in which the local colonial government will keep 2,000m² acres.

Article 2: All land granted should be the sole property of its said owner to do what ever they please within the law, for a better way of life with economic security.

Article 3: This law shall be in affect until 10% of Amerada’s total area is given away.

Law 37:
Amerada Criminal Laws Act

Whereas, it is fundamental that in a democratic state that certain acts become illegal.

Article 1:
No citizen of the Republic shall directly kill another human being, and another human being shall directly kill no citizen of the Republic. Anything other than accidental death can be considered murder under these guidelines. Except under the following circumstances:
a) If one’s life is in danger, then one may murder another if the person being murdered is endangering putting one’s life in danger.

Article 2:
A penalty worse than that given to murder shall be given to any human being that pans on an annihilation of a group of human beings (at least the offender or the victims must be citizens of the Republic) based on prejudices such as race, political affiliation or cultural group.

Article 3:
No citizen of the Republic shall sexually assault another human being, and no human being shall be allowed to sexually assault a citizen of the Republic. This means any violent physical or verbal attack against a victim in a sexual matter that is not agreed upon by the subject of thus act shall be illegal.

Article 4:
No citizen of the Republic shall torture another human being, and no human being shall be allowed to torture citizen of the Republic. This means that any continuous severe pain inflicted upon a victim for the purpose of punishment or coercion not agreed upon by the subject of thus act should be illegal.

Article 5:
No citizen of the Republic shall steal something that was purchased or given to another human being, and no human being shall steal something that was purchased or given to a citizen of the Republic.

Article 6:
No citizen of the Republic shall plagiarize another human being. This means that one may not steal and use the ideas or writings of another as one’s one. An agreement must be made between the original author and the one that wants to utilize the ideas or writings of the author in order to make the act legal.

Article 7:
No citizen of the Republic shall abuse a human less than and including 12 years of age, and no human being shall abuse a citizen of the Republic less than and including 12 years of age. This means that one may not maltreat or insult a child at the age of 12, or younger.

Article 8:
No citizen of the Republic shall maltreat or seriously insult a human that is his or her life partner, and no human being shall maltreat or seriously insult a citizen of the Republic that is his or her life partner.

Article 9:
No citizen of the Republic shall evade their taxes, whether it is a local tax, colonial tax, or federal tax.

Article 10:
No citizen of the Republic shall discriminate a human, and no human being shall discriminate a citizen of the Republic. This means that one may act on the basis of prejudice.


Law 38:
Amendment to the Amerada Legislative Act

The following changes shall be made:

Article 1:
There shall be 10 seats in the Amerada Legislature. Their person to each seat will be determined by the Prime Minister, and will be proportioned based on the last general election result for Prime Minister. One person may not have more than one seat.

Article 1:
a) There shall be one seat in Amerada for every 1000 people. New ridings created must immediately hold by-elections.
b) The person to each seat following an election will be determined by the Prime Minister, and will be proportioned based on the last general election result for Prime Minister. One person may not have more than one seat.

And the last sentence in Article 2 shall be changed from:

Each riding is to be as close as 1/10th the population of Amerada as possible.

Each riding is to have as close to 1000 people as possible.

Whereas, the population of Amerada at the beginning of debate on this legislation was 11996, there shall be the creation of an eleventh electoral district:

1) The district shall be known as "Clevesor-North Cerritories"

2) The district shall consist of the entire Colony of North Cerritories, and the following counties in the Colony of Pennschewan according to the Ministry of the Interior: Earl, Clevesor, Derek, Henderson, William, Wong, Burgesse, White, Trudel, Hickman, Weatherhead, Washburn, McCullough, Jonathan, Dan, Genevieve, Owen, Onto, Leslie, Antreal, Franton, Chicouver, Califario, Mark, Washiawa, Massacavut, Philadgary, Tebec, Illitoba, Floerta, Rachel, Bosbec, Michswick, Scotia, Houdon, Columbia, Detipeg, Arsburg, Dallton, Beaver, Armsnning, and Alleburgh.

3) The following electoral districts will have their borders changed to read as follows.
a) The seventh electoral district will shed all of its territory in the Colony of North Cerritories.
b) The eighth electoral district shall shed all of its territory in the Colony of North Cerritories, and be renamed "Detipeg-Seatifax" from "Mid-northeast"
c) The ninth electoral district shall shed all of its territory in the Colony of Pennschewan, and gain the remain portion of the Colony of Floerta not already within the district, and be renamed "Floerta" from "Pennschewan-Dallton"
d) The tenth electoral district shall shed all of its territory in the Colony of Floerta, and gain the County of Atlener in the Colony of Pennschewan, and be renamed "Jundland-Atlener" from "Jundland-Houdon"


Thus ends the fourth session of the first Amerada Legislature. The fifth session will begin in October 2002.


List of bills:

Fist Legislature


First Session

(April 2001-June 2001)

Second Session

(September 2001-October 2001)

Third Session

(November 2001-December 2001)

Fourth Session

(January 2002- August 2002)

Fifth Session

(October 2002-

Bill 001 Freedom of speech
Bill 002 The Right to a Fair Trial
Bill 003 The use of Capital Punishment
Bill 004 Ban of Cigarettes
Bill 005 Minimum Wage Set at 5 bucks an Hour
Bill 006 Ilegalization of welfare
Bill 007 Legalization of Prostitution
Bill 008 Illegal offense towards Ameradian culture
Bill 009 Ban of Fire Arms
Bill 010 No Stealing of Personal Property
Bill 011 The Right to own Property
Bill 012 No Breaking out of jail
Bill 013 No Americans
Bill 014 Minimum Wage set at 10 Bucks an hour
Bill 015 No littering
Bill 016 Degrading Conditions For inmates
Bill 017 Illegal offence towards Ministers and Government Officials
Bill 018 Illegal use of air tipped bullets
Bill 019 no murdering
Bill 020 no nuclear weapons
Bill 021 No leader of Head of state may be head of government or visa versa
Bill 022 Driving age set at 14
Bill 023 No taxes
Bill 024 replacement of buses with limousines.
Bill 025 All voting members must have web pages.
Bill 026 It is illegal to be unemployed
Bill 027 No weapons of any kind
Bill 028 Amerada site must be updated weekly
Bill 029 Ban on Ricky Martin products
Bill 030 No Homosexuals
Bill 031 No Discrimination of members of the party in power
Bill 032 No hunting or abusing the national animal
Bill 033 All the energy in Amerada must be nuclear
Bill 034 No reproduction of money
Bill 035 Legalization of scooters
Bill 036 All people are created equal
Bill 037 More nuclear testing areas

Bill 038 No nudity on public holidays
Bill 039 No nudity on Television
Bill 040 No sexual verbal abuse
Bill 041 No auctioning off people
Bill 042 No Slavery
Bill 043 Free Condoms
Bill 044 Breathalyzers mandatory in police cars
Bill 045 Treaty with Interland
Bill 046 No drinking and driving
Bill 047 Health care segregation, based on earnings
Bill 048 No abuse of cats and dogs
Bill 049 Everyone must obey traffic signs and signals
Bill 050 Children under 12 are to attend an education facility
Bill 051 No abuse of humans
Bill 052 No damaging or misplacing property of other's
Bill 053 Everyone must drive on the right side of the road
Bill 054 Everyone must signal before turning in a car
Bill 055 Cocaine deemed illegal
Bill 056 Ecstasy deemed illegal
Bill 057 No loitering

Bill 058 Amerada Elections Act
Bill 059 Amerada Supreme Court Act
Bill 060 Amerada Legislative Act

Bill 061 Amerada Leadership Restrictions Act

Bill 062 Animal Murder Act

Bill 063 Amerada Executive Act

Bill 064 War Measures Act

Bill 065 Amerada Senate Act

Bill 066 Foreign Policy Act

Bill 067 Land Distribution Act

Bill 068 Amerada Criminal Laws Act

Bill 069 Amendment to the Amerada Legislative Act

Bill 070 Political Reform Act

Bill 071 Federal Taxation Act

Bill 072 Amerada Senate Act (revised)

Bill 073 Amendment to the Use of Capital Punishment 6/17

Bill 074 Legislative Editor Act

Bill 075 Legislative Salaries Act

Bill 076 Amendment to the Amerada Legislative Act 

Bill 077 The Constitution of the Republic of Amerada

Bill 078 Micronational Environmental Pact

Bill 079 Resolution to commend New York Firefighters and Police, and Port Authority